
Refund Policy

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Refund Policy

Satisfaction-or-Money-Back Guarantee & Refund Policy

In Service industry we believe customer satisfaction is a guarantee for success, a satisfied customer may or may not recommend the same service provider to his contacts, however a dissatisfied customer will certainly warn his contacts to specifically not Deal with such and such service provider.

S2NRI is young and new in the field but it is determined to succeed and a satisfied customer is the key to success in service industry.

Any refund on services you order through S2NRI will be governed by the Satisfaction-or-Money-Back Guarantee & Refund Policy stated below. Further, some services may be governed by their individual refund policies. In all such cases the individual Satisfaction-or-Money-Back Guarantee & Refund Policy shall be applicable in addition to this policy unless and otherwise it is contrary to this, in which case the individual service Satisfaction-or-Money-Back Guarantee & Refund Policy shall supersede this policy:.

Payments for any orders that you may place with us will remain under hold till such time that our Customer Service reviews the order and finds it serviceable. All payments will be processed only after customer service accepts your order. Until then you can request a change in your order details if any. If on review by customer service, your order is found unserviceable, you will have the option to amend the order or get a full refund.

If you have second thoughts and decide to opt out of an order after placing it, you are free to request for a cancellation. If the request for cancellation comes in before customer service reviews the order and accepts it, then you will get a full refund. No questions will be asked.

Normal time for review and acceptance is within a maximum of 48 hours from the time of placing the order. When customer service accepts your order after review, it becomes a confirmed order. Confirmed orders can be cancelled on request from Client or due to other reasons.

Refunds on such cancellations will be applicable as follows -

If an order comes up for cancellation on request from client, S2NRI will deduct 25% of the order value as cancellation fee and the balance shall be refunded. If any extra quote amount is paid by client, then it will be refunded after deduction of costs already incurred in executing the task.

If an order could not be completed by customer service for reasons other than customer request for cancellation, then refund will be given after deduction of 25% of the order value plus costs already incurred in executing the task. Reasons contributing to such a situation could include insufficient or delayed documentation / information from customer, errors/ mistakes not pertaining to S2NRI's scope of work, inability of customer to follow procedures or requirements or due to any other reasons beyond the control of S2NRI.

If an order could not be completed by customer service for reasons attributed to S2NRI's performance on the task requirement, then a full refund will be given.

S2NRI acts as a facilitator in India on behalf of the customer. S2NRI cannot be held responsible for bureaucratic delays when dealing with government bodies / academic institutions / external agencies. All tasks are done an on best effort basis only. The decision of the company will be final and binding on this matter.

Any additional costs already incurred in executing your task shall also be deducted wherever applicable. Time taken to Refund the money after processing a request for cancellation is a maximum of 7 days.

Once an order is completed Satisfaction-or-Money-Back Guarantee kicks in. Where after the service is provided to the Client, for any reason client feels unhappy he shall have a right to ask for money back, under Money Back Guarantee.

Time to claim refund under Satisfaction-or-Money-Back Guarantee is a maximum of 10 days from the date the order is fully executed.

If you have any issues with our Satisfaction-or-Money-Back Guarantee & Refund Policy or if your cancellation request is getting delayed, please mail us at

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