Bachelorhood Certificate (CENOMAR - Certificate of No Marriage Record) proves the marital status of a person, in some countries bachelorhood certificate is needed to get married. There is no legal provision in Matrimonial Act under which an authority can issue such certificate. However one can file an affidavit with First Class Magistrate, this affidavit must then be signed and sealed by the Local Sub Divisional Magistrate SDM and then by State Home Department. Also it must be Apostille by Ministry of External Affairs New Delhi. S2NRI may require an authorization letter from applicant in favor of S2NRI to represent the applicant. S2NRI will scan an image of the Bachelorhood Certificate and send it via email, where physical delivery is needed within India, S2NRI will send it by courier Free of cost, international courier will be charged extra.
S2NRI facilitates procurement of documents from INDIA and cannot be held responsible for any mistakes/errors in name. S2NRI cannot be held responsible for any bureaucratic delays or delays due to insufficient or delayed information/documentation provided by the client.