The validity of my passport is going to expire in 2 months. Do I need to verify with police again? One thing more I want to add my spouse’ name to it. Do I need to file a fresh application for new passport or will the old one be renewed? Please explain ‘how’ also.
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Is Police Clearance Certificate Must for Reissuing Passport?
My old passport is torn. And I don’t have its details with me, like passport number, issue date, date of expiry and place of issuance. Should I get police clearance certificate once again like erstwhile? Or, would it be renewed without any police verification?
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Is Rental Income From India Taxable for NRIs?
Millions of Indians live abroad. And many out of them have hereditary home in India. Since it belongs to their ancestors, they don’t like to sell them. But sparing those accommodations vacant can invite eyeballs of the land-mafias who are defaulters. They confiscate property without any prior notice to the owner. This is why renting it out is the only option left to avert this problem. And also, they credit an additional benefit of rental income through it.
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How to Change Name in Aadhaar While Linking With PAN Card?
Indian central government has emphasized on linking Aadhaar Card with Permanent Account Number (PAN) Card. It has set 31st July 2017 as the timeline to do so mandatorily. Millions of tax-payers are buzzing about this new provision.
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Is Agricultural Income from Abroad is Taxable in India?
India is an agro-based country since approximately 70% of its population earns bread and butter through farming. But farming is not the only composition of agricultural income. There are many associated works that generate income, like renting out the agro-land. This facility is available for the natives of India. But an NRI can’t invest in the purchase of agriculture land or farm house in India.
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NRIs Need PAN No. for These Transactions besides Tax Payment
Do you think PAN card is required for tax payment only? Indeed, it should be provided at the time of tax payment. But there are certain more arenas where this unique number is mandatory requirement for emigrants, like NRIs.
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Best Investment Tips to Choose Bank for NRIs in India
The rules and regulations of various investment plans in India are revised time to time. NRIs (None- Resident of India) stay cut off from India for the long duration. Meanwhile, finance sector continues to revamp. Failed and unprofitable policies are shredded. New investment policies are introduced to breathe fresh life in to it.
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