Nearly 7.5 lakh Indian students took a flight abroad In 12 months. According to data provided by Subhas Sarkar, Minister of State in the Ministry of Education, the headcount of Indian students who study abroad jumped up by 68.79% last year.
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How Can an NRI Consultant Help You Abroad?
An NRI (Non-Resident Indian) consultant can be a valuable resource for anyone living abroad who has ties to India. These consultants are typically experts in various areas of Indian culture, business, and finance. Having expertise ensures offering guidance and support to NRIs who are navigating the difficulties of living outside their home country.
Read MoreProcess to Know How NRIs Can Apply for Aadhaar Card
The question arises whether NRIs can apply for Aadhaar card in India. The answer is yes, NRIs are eligible to apply for an Aadhaar card in India. However, there are certain conditions that need to be fulfilled by NRIs in order to apply for this card.
Read MoreA Guide to Getting Transcript from Mumbai University
A transcript is an academic record issued by the university or educational institution to a student. It consists of a list of all courses, their corresponding grades, and degrees obtained during a particular time period.
Read MoreWhat is Wealth Management & How Does it Benefit?
Wealth management is one of the financial services that ensure an end-to-end financial advisory & management. The one who does it all is called a wealth manager. He guides on what to do for addressing the investment requirements in general and in specific situations. Once clarity is there, he customizes a personalised strategy that includes a range of financial products and services.
Read MoreEasy Steps to Get Apostille/Attestation Services in Mumbai
Understanding Apostille
Apostille is an attestation service, that turns a normal document into legal. It becomes acceptable across 120 member countries of the Hague Convention, including Australia, France, Germany, India, Japan, the UK, etc.
Read Moree-Visa Attestation from India for Marriage Needs These Docs
Amid Covid, it’s hard to travel across countries. Like others, Indian government has also restricted visa entry. It has decided to allow travelling to people where they want, given that they have met these requirements:
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