
How to Clear Criminal Record in Canada & India to Get PCC

An allegation is enough to spoil a life. It can put one’s career at stake. Think of a scenario wherein an NRI was falsely caught up in the claws of the law. His piece of land was confiscated by the land mafia. When he raised voice, the lawbreaker conspired and put him behind the bar. However, he was innocent. But eventually, his name was registered in the list of criminals. The case was filed.

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How Your Parents Can Register Birth for US Citizenship?

Several NRIs (non-residents of India) are willing to take their parents along with them in the residence country. But some documentation works cause disruption.

Let’s say, my mother doesn’t have a birth certificate. Her birth stayed unregistered erstwhile. Now, I want her to settle with me in the US. It can’t be possible until and unless she would have the birth certificate. Undoubtedly, this document completes the major requirements.

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