
A Comprehensive Guide to Online Degree Certificates

India has the world’s largest population of youth, which will reach 420 million in 2024, as per a report. It will be about 29% of the global population. With so many youths in the country, it becomes a necessity to manage degree certificates.

A degree certificate is a significant document that states an individual’s academic achievement and qualifications. Typically, universities, colleges, and recognized institutions present it to students. It is crucial, especially when the student wants to achieve new goals in education, employment, immigration, and legal matters. Let’s come across everything related to a degree certificate.

 Significance of Degree Certificates

A degree certificate is a documented proof of a person’s academic achievements, specifically in a course or program of study. It validates the academic qualifications of individuals who want to pursue the next level of education or apply for jobs. Some other reasons can be possible, like procuring professional licenses, claiming government schemes, and receiving benefits.

For aspirants who want to attain further education or a job, they need it. This paper reflects the knowledge and skills of its holder. Overall, it is important from the perspective of the knowledge and skills of an individual.

Now, let’s find out the types of these certificates.

Types of Degree Certificates

Particularly in India, degree certificates are presented to recognize various levels of education, like undergrad, postgrad, and doctoral programs. Overall, these types of certificates are provided in India:

In India, degree certificates are awarded for various levels of education, including undergraduate, postgraduate, and doctoral programs. Common types of degree certificates include:

  • Bachelor’s Degree (e.g., Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science)
  • Master’s Degree (e.g., Master of Business Administration, Master of Technology)
  • Doctoral Degree (e.g., Doctor of Philosophy, Doctor of Medicine)
  • Diploma and Certificate Courses

These types of authentic documents signify that the student has successfully passed a certain phase of education and now has different requirements and eligibility.

How to Get A Degree Certificate Issued by the University?

This process typically splits into various steps, which are listed below:

Step 1: Completion of Coursework

It starts with successfully completing all academic requirements or paperwork, like how long his academic phase was, what subjects he learned, and what projects and internships he won.

Step 2: Application for a Degree Certificate

After mentioning the academic details in a form, the student can apply for the degree certificate. The admin department at the college carries it out. It basically requires a duly filled-out application form and relevant documents to support it, like a transcript, student ID, and fee slip.

Step 3. Verification and Approval

The very next step is associated with the student’s eligibility for the certificate. The competent officer verifies academic records, student ID, and other records to discover if they comply with the institution or college regulations. Once done, the request is forwarded to the next level.

Step 4: Printing and Signing

Once verified, the academic details are printed on the degree certificate. These details are the name, course of study, date of completion, and the name of the university. Then, an authorized signatory signs it, which can be the registrar or the dean of the college.

Step 5: Distribution to Students

Then, the degree certificate is presented to the student during a convocation ceremony if he or she is a regular student. Otherwise, students have to visit the correspondence office to apply for it. And the degree is then mailed to the student’s address.
Verification of Degree Certificates

In order to eliminate the possibility of any fraudulent activity, various universities and employers verify degree certificates. In India, there are mainly three methods: online verification, physical verification, and third-party verification.

  • Online Verification

Considering the case of Delhi University, students can visit this link: https://exam.du.ac.in/?Services/Request-for-Degree-Diploma-Certificate to utilize its online facility. They can download the form to get online degree certificates and enter the details, such as the registration number or roll number, to verify the details. It is provided online to those who have not received its printed copy beforehand. The university generally charges INR 750 for it. But this fee can be more or less if it is the case in any other state.

Besides, you can explore the list of all colleges in India to discover their existence and authenticity.

  • Physical Verification

This is particularly true in the case of employment or immigration. The applicant has to be present before the consul for face-to-face verification. It also requires the certificate to be submitted to the issuing college for direct verification.

  • Third-party verification services

There are multiple third-party agencies that verify the academic credentials of students. These agencies typically liaise with them for a specific period to authenticate certificates and provide their reports to employers or requesting parties.

A few third parties are government-deployed, which raises a collective request for many students to get it attested from the relevant authorities, like the Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) and consulate of the destination country.
Legal Validity and Recognition

The certificates that the recognized universities or institutions issue in India are valid and widely recognized. Various government-accredited authorities like the University Grants Commission (UGC), the All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE), educational institutions, employers, etc. recognize it.

If the student has any doubt regarding the authenticity of a degree certificate or the credibility of the issuing authority, he or she may clarify it with the respective university.

Challenges and Concerns

Certain hurdles might be there, interrupting students from getting it in India. Let’s figure them out below:

  • Forgery and Fraud

Fake universities and diploma mills can be in circulation. The significant challenge is to check the credibility of the academic credentials. This can be defeated through stringent verification measures.

  • Delay in Issuance

There is a variation in the process for procuring a degree certificate from different states of India. This difference may lead to delays because every university’s administrative procedure is unique. Sometimes, backlogs of applications or other factors can be responsible.

  • Verification Backlogs

Sometimes, the increasing demand for degree certificate attestation can be the reason for the delay in its verification. It may cause delays in employment and the immigration process for individuals.

  • Lack of standardization

Around 890 universities follow different patterns in the content of degree certificates. This may hamper and delay verification.


A degree certificate in India can be obtained or procured from the university or college from which you have completed your academic qualifications. It holds the authority to issue. Students can request it online or physically visit the university to get it.

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