get a signle status

How to Get a Single Status Certificate in Dubai?

Are you likely to marry and need a single status certificate in Dubai?

If yes, this blog is going to help you a lot. You should remember that this certificate is also known as a Certificate of No Impediment to Marriage or Nulla Osta or Bachelorhood certificate. The process to obtain is simple and straightforward. You just follow this step-by-step procedure to understand how easy it is.

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How Can You Translate Documents for Immigration?

It is really a critical condition when your green card is in the process and you have documents in a regional language.

Only the translation services can save your day. You need to convert that language into English. But, you cannot do it by self. It won’t be acceptable. It’s simply because this task needs to be professionally and expertly done. For this, you require an expert and certified translator. Services 2 NRI can help you in this matter.

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