
A Comprehensive Guide to the Celibacy Certificate

A celibacy certificate is a bachelorhood certificate, which represents the single state of an individual. Singlehood is a state that refers to a person who has no matrimonial partner. Sometimes, it is falsely assumed to be a state of being a bachelor. The person can be single if he or she does not have a partner, which can be a condition after a divorce or the demise of a spouse.

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get a signle status

How to Get a Single Status Certificate in Dubai?

Are you likely to marry and need a single status certificate in Dubai?

If yes, this blog is going to help you a lot. You should remember that this certificate is also known as a Certificate of No Impediment to Marriage or Nulla Osta or Bachelorhood certificate. The process to obtain is simple and straightforward. You just follow this step-by-step procedure to understand how easy it is.

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How Can I Get Single Status Certificate in the USA?

A single status certificate is legal proof of your unmarried status. It means that this certificate is a documented proof that proves your single status before the US authorities or anywhere in the world.

A married being can also apply for this certificate, provided that he or she is previously married but has divorced now. This can be proved easily with a document called a decree absolute. The court issues and attests it, which makes it acceptable across the world.

So, if you’re a US citizen and planning to marry in any other country, you must get it to prove that you are free to marry.

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