Academic Transcrip

Is the Academic Transcript Different from a Bachelor’s degree Mark Sheet?

The academic journey of a student is vital. Some crucial documents—the academic transcript and the bachelor’s degree mark sheet, make it valid and complete. The World Education Services (WES) reported that over 65% of international students have to submit their academic transcripts at the time admission into foreign universities.

People find a transcript and a mark sheet conflicting because they can sometimes be used interchangeably. But these two documents are actually different.

Here in this blog, you’ll find how they are different. So, let’s start with the basics.

What is an academic transcript?

An academic transcript refers to a comprehensive paper that states the whole history throughout the degree program of a student. Precisely, it consists of vital details about the courses being adopted, like Arts, Commerce, or Medical, etc. Moreover, it also includes grades secured, credit hours, and the cumulative grade point average (CGPA). In essence, an academic transcript is understood as a complete record of a student’s educational performance, wherein he or she can see scores or grades attained from the very first semester till the end of graduation.

Typically, the educational institution issues a transcript. It is considered an official document that can be presented to employers or another college for further studies, applying for scholarships, or even transferring to another educational institution.  Being compiled of all semester-wise records, it can be used for comparative analytics of educational achievements in different countries.

Now that you know what the transcript is, let’s disclose key details that it carries.

Key Information on an Academic Transcript

  • A list of courses selected, including electives and core subjects
  • Grades or marks secured in each course
  • Semester-wise or year-wise performance or scores
  • Cumulative GPA or percentage
  • States any academic honours, distinctions, or awards
  • Overall credits earned for each course
  • The insights into the grading system used by the institution

What is a Bachelor’s Degree Mark Sheet?

A bachelor’s degree mark sheet is a separate paper that has a detailed overview of a student’s performance in a specific examination or semester. Unlike the transcript that displays the entire academic performance, the mark sheet spotlights the grades or scores secured in a specific examination or term.

Simply put, mark sheets are basically issued at the end of each semester or year. So, an individual can easily extract the idea of how he or she performed in a specific semester.  This paper can be perfect to track progress. But it does not show overall insights as in transcripts. It only shows the grades or scores obtained in individual subjects in a semester. But for calculating overall scores or grades, a transcript can be a better alternative.

Here are some key details that you can find in a degree’s mark sheet.

Key Information on a Bachelor’s Degree Mark Sheet

  • Marks or grades secured in each subject in a specific semester or year
  • Total marks obtained and maximum marks in that semester/year
  • Percentage or GPA for that particular term
  • Pass or fail status in that particular semester
  • Date of examination and result declaration

Key Differences: An Academic Transcript Vs. a Bachelor’s Degree Mark Sheet

However, the aforementioned definitions have made it clear what these documents are. Here, you can analyse the difference through distinct points.

  1. Scope of Information

Considering the academic transcript, it is a holistic scorecard for the entire program/degree course. On the flip side, the mark sheet carries scores for a specific term or semester.

For example, you can see a transcript showing all courses, with subjects and respective scores obtained in all semesters year-by-year. And in the mark sheet, just the current term’s subjects and scorecard will be given.

  1. Purpose

The ultimate purpose of issuing academic transcripts is to enable students to secure a job or enrol in a postgraduate program.

On the other hand, mark sheets are for tracking the progress in a semester. It is usually less informative and less formal. 

  1. Comprehensiveness

A transcript can be more interactive and detailed, revealing whatever it has, like credits, grades, and cumulative performance, in detail.

On the other side, a student sees immediate results obtained in an individual semester but not the cumulative overview. 

  1. Presentation

Transcripts are dated more formally and show the official seal or signature of the institution. This type of document is delivered in a sealed envelope officially.

On the contrary, mark sheets look less comprehensive and simpler. Students can directly receive it after the completion of a semester or term.

  1. Grading System and Standardisation

Transcripts often describe the grading system of the academic institution. It is indeed critical for international education applications.

Mark sheets typically do not show such details. They emphasise the raw marks or grades achieved in a specific term.

Importance of Academic Transcripts

Given the comprehensive nature of academic transcripts, they are critical in many academic and professional settings. Here’s why they are so important:

So! Why do students often require their transcripts even if they have their mark sheets?  Well, the answer lies in its comprehensibility and the requirement of the employer or institution. Let’s discover them below:

  1. For Further Studies

Grads who want to apply for postgraduate or doctoral programs often come with this requirement. They need a transcript to submit to the universities, which evaluate the academic details and consistent performance of the student.

  1. For International Studies

If someone wants to pursue education abroad, submitting a transcript is a must. It is just because the foreign university can check out a detailed overview of the courses, grades, grading system, etc. These details help in analysing the academic insights of the student.

  1. For Employment

For those who are likely to enter a job sector, especially for the very first time, submitting a transcript can be necessary. It guides employers to filter the most talented workforce on the basis of their academic credentials and overall insights.

  1. For scholarships and grants

Those who are going to apply for fellowships or seek scholarships would also need a transcript to prove their academic merit and eligibility status. A survey by the Institute of International Education (IIE) highlighted that 72% of scholarship and grant applications are accepted on the basis of the transcripts.


Although both, the academic transcript and bachelor’s degree mark sheet consist of academic details. But they cater to different needs. The transcript has a comprehensive analysis of the end-to-end scores or grades secured during a program or degree course. On the other hand, the mark sheet states the scorecard for a particular semester. For the rest of the differences, you can read above.

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